Incentro Africa - 2nd best place to work in Kenya

Lucia Kamau

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Incentro Africa - 2nd best place to work in Kenya

Barack Litzwa
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Ask Barack Litzwa

Incentro Africa has once again been named one of the best places to work in Kenya, following a poll conducted by GREAT PLACE TO WORK.

About Great Place to Work

Great Place To Work is the global authority on workplace culture. Founded by ists Robert Levering and Milton Moskowitz, it's built on the belief that great employee experiences are better for people, business, and the world.

They've been listening to employee voices for over 40 years, and this has helped organisations to determine what makes a truly great place to work. Through employee surveys and other methodologies, certifications, and Great Workplaces lists, they recognise what organisations are doing right and help them to improve. Part of a global organisation effort, they apply data and insights from millions of employees working in around 10,000 organisations across the world every year to benchmark individual performance.

About The Survey

GPTW conducts 60 question surveys in which employees answer questions regarding credibility, respect, fairness, pride and camaraderie The results are then tabulated and scored as a percentage based on how employees agree or disagree with statements such as “ Management is competent at running the business.” or “I am given the resources and equipment to do my job.”

The GPTW award and what it means for Incentro Africa

For the second year in a row, the efforts made by Incentro Africa's management team to have a healthy working environment has paid off, as determined by our valued incentronauts.

Incentro Africa puffs one of the best work environments and a company culture that encourages its employees to excel. Employees can achieve work-life balance by working in hybrid flexible work situations.

Some of the notable attributes that make Incentro Africa a remarkable place:

1. People-Centric Culture

Incentro has developed an employee-centric culture that is one of the most important aspects of the business. Employees are motivated because they know the employer is proactively concerned about their well-being.

These are some actions that Incentro has done to improve employee well-being.

  • Create staff well-being initiatives.
  • All workers' distinctiveness and variety are respected.
  • Pay attention to employee input.
  • Proactively pursue employee well-being programs.
  • Create a clear communication route.
  1. Workplace flexibility.

Incentro Africa offers its employees the flexibility they want, boosting their satisfaction and productivity.

Incentro Africa employees noted that the Workplace flexibility:

  • Boosted their work morale
  • Reduced their stress levels
  • Improved their work-life balance
  • Increased trust and dedication in the workplace.
  • Increased output

2. Investing in staff development and training

Incentro Africa has continually proven its commitment to investing in its employees' training and development, expanding their abilities and talents by encouraging them to engage in career, skills, and personal developments.

Incentro Africa has been able to reap the benefits and advantages of investing in staff development programs by ensuring it retains a talented workforce. These ultimately guarantee the clients of the best services available.

Throughout the year, we have appreciated our Incentronauts, through sharing and celebrating key accomplishments made by both team members and Incentro as a whole. Through countless certifications and specialisation awards, we have stood out as an organisation that provides an exceptional environment for individuals to work and succeed

3. Having inspiring leadership at the helm

Incentro Africa has inspiring, remarkable and inspirational leaders at the helm.These executives care about their staff and appreciate their contributions. Mutual respect, trust, support, and honesty underpin the connection between them and employees.They convey their expectations effectively.

This is what sets Incentro Africa's leadership apart:

  • When evaluating people, they seek characteristics that align with the company's goal.
  • They provide frequent feedback to employees in order to foster trust and loyalty.
  • They provide excellent growth potential.

Do you want to join one of the best places to work in Kenya? Visit our careers website to see open positions that are a good fit for you.

Barack Litzwa

Ready to transform the way you work?

Barack Litzwa

Business Development Representitve