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Maximizing Customer Centricity

Making your customer the focus of every decision in your business might sound extreme, but it pays off big time! Discover all the benefits here and find out how we can help you.

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Customer-centric? Are you sure?

Brilliant service portals, a smooth buyer experience on any device and in-store, smart HR apps, and AI that makes personalization easy. 75% of companies think they are customer-centric, but only 30% of customers agree.

Boost sales with AI: show relevant customer insights like behavior and preferences. Offer tailored advice and alternatives, such as knowing which car someone drives or viewed online. Create a seamless, personalized customer experience with digital integrations.


The benefits of Customer Centricity

  • Customer satisfaction

    Your customers have never experienced such smooth processes! We deliver the right omnichannel solution at the right time.

  • Futureproof

    Elevate your entire business to a next-level customer experience. Stay relevant to your ideal audience — always.

  • Flexible platform

    A composable platform makes your business technically flexible, serving multiple channels and easily adding tools like personalization or employee portals.

Maximizing Customer Centricity

How we help you



Want to know more?

Digital engagement

Digital Engagement is all about building meaningful customer relationships with smart, targeted, precisely timed interactions.


Give each customer relevant, custom content and boost your conversions. Discover how Incentro takes personalization to the next level.


How we helped them

All cases

Faster access to thousands of life-saving products

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An online portal for Sanquin donors and employees

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RAI Headquarters

Stand Management Optimisation at RAI Amsterdam

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Case Asics header image

Data-driven work at ASICS leads to conversion optimization

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A cutting-edge webshop platform

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Ready to transform?

Incentro is committed to protecting and respecting your privacy, and we’ll only use your personal information to administer your account and to provide the products and services you requested from us. From time to time, we would like to contact you about our products and services, as well as other content that may be of interest to you. If you consent to us contacting you for this purpose, please tick below to say how you would like us to contact you:

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